A compare and contrast essay has been designed to visualize the links between two separate ideas or theories. For the comparative essay, you will be looking at what all are similar, while you will look for what is different in the comparison essay part. Writing Down A Compare And Contrast Essay A compare-and-contrast essay, then, analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both. The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of conducting the comparison or contrast is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities Killer Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion: Secrets To Writing. A properly written compare and contrast essay should comprise of at least three key parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. While the introduction helps to capture the attention of the reader, the body is used to discuss the main points. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the essay
Compare/Contrast Essays | English
A top-tier essay ends with a Compare and contrast essay conclusion, rather than a whimper. A conclusion to compare and contrast essay should electrify your reader, not put them to sleep. Still not sure how to start a conclusion in an essay? Below you can find a metric ton of practical tips and even an essay conclusion compare and contrast essay conclusion. To conclude an essay, you have to draw its main argument to a close. But before we go there, you need to know the key elements of the closing paragraph.
To make a conclusion in an essay, make sure compare and contrast essay conclusion write the following:. The core sentence of your conclusion is a paraphrased thesis statement. It must capture the main idea of the essay and its scope.
An example of an effective paraphrase is below:. Despite bearing several superficial similarities, the differences between Stoicism and Taoism are pronounced, and they merit rigorous scrutiny. Although Stoicism and Taoism bear some minor similarities, the differences between them are clear, and they deserve a thorough investigation. There is no need to reiterate each argument in your conclusion; mention only the most important ones. If an essay prompt calls for an evaluative approach, make sure to take a position in favor of one subject over the other.
To understand whether there is a need for your opinion in the conclusion, compare and contrast essay conclusion, look for the following words in the prompt: evaluateexplainassesschooseand analyze among others. Explain your position in reference to the main points of comparison. To summarizeeven though Stoic doctrine dovetails with that of Taoism along some of their foundational precepts, it is wrong to maintain that the philosophic schools are two sides of the same coin.
Whereas practitioners of Taoism champion purposeful striving and an overall passive attitude, their philosophical counterparts argue that a compare and contrast essay conclusion is to be drawn between what is virtuous and what is not. On the basis of that distinctionwhich is made solely through analytic reasoning, Stoics have to act. Furthermorevalue judgments made by Stoics are circumvented by Taoists who believe them to be at odds with the doctrine of spontaneity the Wu-Wei principle.
As suchthe two philosophical traditions cannot be more dissimilar, which is a point acknowledged by the major scholars of ancient philosophy cited in the essay. You are on your way to becoming a masterful essayist. There are, however, a few things that you have to learn to do a conclusion for an essay like a real pro. Set clear criteria for comparison or contrast and then use the uniformly throughout your conclusion. Make sure that the same set of criteria is used for the evaluated subjects.
Stoicism is chiefly a philosophy of personal ethics informed by an elaborate system of logic. In contrast, Taoism is a Chinese philosophical tradition. Stoicism is a philosophical tradition of Athenian origin, compare and contrast essay conclusion. In contrast, Taoism is a school of philosophy founded in China. To show the similarities and differences between the subjects of your essay, use transition signals in the conclusion.
Searching where to buy essays? To make a conclusion in an essay, make sure to write the following: Paraphrased Thesis Statement The core sentence of your conclusion is a paraphrased thesis statement.
An example of an effective paraphrase is below: Original Quote Effective Paraphrase Despite bearing several superficial similarities, the differences between Stoicism and Taoism are pronounced, and they merit rigorous scrutiny. Your Opinion If an essay prompt calls for an evaluative approach, make sure to take a position in favor of one subject over the other.
Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion Example To summarizeeven though Stoic doctrine dovetails with that of Taoism along some of their foundational precepts, it is wrong to maintain that the philosophic schools are two sides of the same coin. How to Write a Good Conclusion for an Essay You are on your way to becoming a masterful essayist. Incorrect Correct Stoicism is chiefly a philosophy of personal ethics informed by an elaborate system of logic.
Use Compare and Contrast Words To show the similarities and differences between the subjects of your essay, use transition signals in the conclusion. Order Essay. Similarly Likewise Also Just like Not dissimilar to Are alike Are the same Not only…but also.
In contrast On the other hand While Whereas Is dissimilar to Is different from Is unlike However.
Compare and contrast essay structure
, time: 5:25Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion: Deal With It Easily!
A compare-and-contrast essay, then, analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both. The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of conducting the comparison or contrast is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected similarities Like every essay, compare and contrast essay templates include an introduction, body, and conclusion. However, the body needs to be focused in a specific way since you are comparing and contrasting two different topics. Set this up in two ways, topic by topic or one subject then the other Killer Compare and Contrast Essay Conclusion: Secrets To Writing. A properly written compare and contrast essay should comprise of at least three key parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. While the introduction helps to capture the attention of the reader, the body is used to discuss the main points. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the essay
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