Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay my hobby

Essay my hobby

essay my hobby

27/6/ · My hobby is my pride. Hobby is our unique identity. The following Essays, Paragraphs & Speeches on (my) hobby including; singing, dancing, swimming, reading,traveling, gardening, cricket, Painting & drawing with quotes, are Reviews: 6 Essay on My Hobby List of Essays on My Hobby in English Essay on My Hobby Reading Books – Essay 1 ( Words) Essay on My Hobby Reading Books – Essay 2 ( Words) Essay on My Hobby Playing Cricket – Essay 3 ( Words) Essay on My Hobby Drawing – Essay 4 ( Words) Essay on My Hobby Dancing – Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins 24/12/ · My Hobby Essay My hobby is the activity that I like to perform during free time or whenever I get time. To speak truly, I even manage to make time for my hobby. It is something that tones my physical stamina and makes me happy, peaceful and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

6+ Essays on My Hobby for different levels of students

A hobby is the name of the thing which we do in our free time. A hobby makes someone busy with different works, essay my hobby. It makes life more inspired, happy, and energetic. Do not worry. Like If you love cricket and your hobby is essay my hobby Bat ball, so there is a fantastic essay for you. My hobby is to draw pictures in free time, essay my hobby. I draw a picture daily in the evening. I can also draw sketches.

I also have won many prizes in the drawing competition. My teacher also asks me to create a chart on different occasions. I like my hobby very much and also want to become an artist in the future.

My hobby is to ride a bicycle since I was a kid. I ride my bicycle daily in the evening. Riding a bicycle is very good for health, it keeps us healthy and fit, helps to strengthen muscles, and also very beneficial for the stomach. It is faster and enjoyable to hit my feet on the paddle in a hot summer day, essay my hobby, as compared to walking. Riding a bicycle is very necessary for human health. I like my hobby very much, essay my hobby. My hobby is reading books since I was a little kid.

I read many books daily, including folk stories, magazines, and many informative books. Reading books is one of the best hobbies which will give us many knowledge and awareness of many facts around us, and many more advantages too.

I often like to read many English stories. I also read many articles and e-books online that not only increase my knowledge but also help me to polish my English grammar skills including Grammar essay my hobby difficult words. Although all hobbies have their essay my hobby merits and demerits, the merits of reading books are outweighed than demerits. My one of the favorite hobby which I like most in my spare time is teaching.

Students learn every thing from their teacher, teachers make their students future career bright like the shining stars. I like this hobby since I was a student. When I passed my matriculation exams, I started this my passion. Now I teach many students from different classes daily in the evening. I teach many subjects of science and my skills are specialized in Chemistry and Math.

I also received many invitations to join many coaching centers as a Science teacher, but I do not because of the time issue. My students always got higher marks because of their interest but there is mine hardworking too.

I teach all my students essay my hobby love and also feel pleasure by helping them. I love my hobby and feel happy by teaching others and love to help them in learning new things and to make them unleash their skills.

Playing cricket is one of my favorite hobby. I play this game daily and enjoy it a lot. I started playing cricket when I was 5 years old with my two elder essay my hobby in the garden of my house. My favorite cricketer is Name of your favorite player. He is one of the best players in the world.

I want to be like him in the future. My parents have often told me that, do not play cricket today, but I play it daily because it is one of my passions and I play this game with the core of my heart. It makes me feel proud of what I am. I also won many prizes in the battle of cricket. I also received many invitations to play. And I am the best player in my whole team and also a captain, essay my hobby, maybe because I play this game seriously.

Essay my hobby am a All rounder player in my team, but good at balling as compared to the batting. I also got the credit of the man of the match in my school tournament. My highest batting score is your highest scoreand the highest numbers of wickets which I got till now are highest number of wickets in a match. My skills in cricket are growing day by day and in the future, essay my hobby, I want to continue this interesting game as my career.

Although I also study hard, day and night but cricket is my love. A small Play area in my house essay my hobby the reason for my this hobby. Gardening Growing Plants is one of the most exciting and joyful hobby, which not only give us pleasure but many advantages too because they help us to reduce Global Warming. In my house play area, I grow many seeds of different vegetables, fruits, and trees, including Chili and lemon plants, strawberry, and also Neem plants.

And now waiting for the growth of the plants, It can take a minimum of three months. I also grow twenty small plants of the Neem which I will dig around my town in the future because the neem tree is best to reduce the temperature, and it also helps to reduce Global Warming.

It gives me pleasure and happiness. I also study in the fresh air of my garden and also do exercise there. In such a way, we will also be saved with many harmful diseases. Every person in this world has its own hobby and habits, which he loves the most. Someone likes to play, someone like to sing and dance and some peoples like to read books in their spare time. My favorite hobby is to browse many sites daily, I also read the blog posts and also share it with my friends and relatives.

Thanks to modern science for inventing such kind of essay my hobby technologies which are making our life easier day by day. I also do many short courses free of cost from the Internet. I also watch many Youtube channels daily to gain Information. I also read news online, which keeps me up to date with my surroundings and also inform me about the new facts.

I also use social media on a daily basis like Facebook, essay my hobby, Tweeter and especially Insta for helping junior communities. Now there are many books and magazines available on the Internet called e-books, essay my hobby, I also love to read them. And I also read funny memes and jokes for some refreshment but not that much. Essay my hobby to the Internet which makes trading, communication, and transitions very easy.

I can also keep in contact with my friends on WhatsApp and Messenger too. But I use most of my time in helping junior communities through the Internet or Social media Like FB and really I got pleasure and happiness by helping them. Thanks to God, my aim and hobby are so different from all the common people.

My parents and relatives also appreciate me and I love my hobby very much. Read This also : Essay on My School for all students of all ages. You have read many essays on my hobby from here and hope you enjoyed. Skip to content. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin. Check this too English for children: how they learn and what benefits they get May 19, Essay on Abortion for Secondary and College Students April 19, April 20, Honesty Is The Best Policy Essay, Story, Paragraph and more November 11, December 8,

My Hobby Essay // Essay on My Hobby // My Hobby Essay Writing // My Hobby // Essay Writing

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My Hobby Essay -

essay my hobby

21/8/ · One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul. In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins 27/6/ · My hobby is my pride. Hobby is our unique identity. The following Essays, Paragraphs & Speeches on (my) hobby including; singing, dancing, swimming, reading,traveling, gardening, cricket, Painting & drawing with quotes, are Reviews: 6 1/1/ · Essay No 7 My hobby Playing ( words): Ice hockey word known almost all over the world and people is aware of what it is. Hockey is the world’s most famous SPORT species than in football, but parts of the country nothing is known. Hockey is more common in American tower, but the sport also practiced all over blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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