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Essay on dictatorship

Essay on dictatorship

essay on dictatorship

Dictatorship 2 Pages Society desires the ability to make their own decisions. Whether that be through free will, or the freedom to make choices based on previous experiences without restriction, the idea of self-control over the events that occur is valuable. However, both Psycho and The dictionary definition of dictatorship is a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator. A dictator is a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession Essay on The Dictators. Words7 Pages. The twentieth century, unlike any other before it, saw dramatic changes in many different areas such as science, technology, politics, religion, and society. One of the most important and definitely the most obvious change is the increasing deadliness of war. Granted, people have died in wars from the very beginning, but in the twentieth century wars

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Democracy is the system of government where people are given power to elect the political leaders who will form the government. Dictatorship is the government where a single person rules, essay on dictatorship. This person is called the dictator. In democracy citizens of the state choose essay on dictatorship leaders and play an active role in building nations. Dictatorship in contrast, is the type of Government where the power lies in the hands of a single leader, political group or entity and people have no right to elect their leader.

Here are essays of varying lengths on Democracy vs. Dictatorship to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Democracy vs. Dictatorship essay as per your need and interest:, essay on dictatorship. Democracy is a government formed by the people, essay on dictatorship.

It refers to the rule of the majority. The basic principles of democracy are political freedom, rule of law and equality. People elect political leaders who essay on dictatorship them and further the political decision making at local, regional and national level.

Political leaders and parties with majority votes are elected. The political leaders represent the people and therefore the system is called representative democracy. Democracy is the most common form of government across the world, essay on dictatorship.

In this form of government every individual has equal rights and freedom to express their thoughts and opinions. Democracy leads to the prosperity and development of the society. Dictatorship refers to the form of government where single individual possesses absolute power and rules the state.

The characteristics of dictatorship are suspension of elections, rule by decree, civil liberties, proclamation of a state of emergency and repression of political opponents without abiding by the rule of law. Dictators eliminate essay on dictatorship rights of people, mostly interfering human rights. Dictators can be found throughout the human history.

Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Benito Mussolini have been some of the famous dictators. People often feel insecure under dictatorship. Democracy offers freedom and voice to the people where as in dictatorship there is ruthless oppression of people.

The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in democracy people get to choose their leaders while in dictatorship single individual or political entity rules the country. Democracy allows the free development of human personality whereas the other form of government hinders essay on dictatorship development of human personality.

Both are opposite political philosophies in terms of perception and approach and come with some merits and demerits. The basic characteristics of democracy are equality, liberty and fraternity. It gives freedom of thought, speech and expression. It promises active participation and involvement of the governed in the governance. The chief principle of democracy is that power is implemented with respect to human rights.

It makes people interested in the country and its democratic process. Democracy gives right to eligible people to choose their leader but most people make irrational judgments. Majority of population in developing nations such as India is illiterate and the judgment made is not completely independent.

In dictatorship absolute power is concentrated in the hands of the dictator. A strong and well-run dictatorship can be very effective. It can prove to be better than democracy.

But there is fear that the dictator may become authoritarian and ruthless. Dictatorship can run smoothly and steadily as the power lies in the hands of a single individual. It is solely on the dictator as essay on dictatorship how he uses the power. He can use it for the advancement of the nation or for purposes like exploiting people, terrorism and so on.

There is no guarantee that justice would be served in any form of government. Success of any essay on dictatorship of government is based on the selection of ruler or political leaders selected by elections. Personally, I value the dignity of the individual, essay on dictatorship, equality and justice. I believe, democracy is any day better than the other alternatives. Democracy and Dictatorship are two political philosophies, essay on dictatorship.

We often hear these two terms together as these two are most common types of government often at odds with one another. Democracy is the government of the people which gives right to all the eligible citizens to participate in electing their political leaders by giving them voice in legislation. Dictatorship gives absolute power to one individual, dictator. Both democracy and dictatorship have some pros and cons. Democracy allows full freedom to the general public to express their thoughts and have a voice in legislation, essay on dictatorship.

In dictatorship, people are bound to follow the rules and laws decided and defined by the dictator. Some attributes of democracy are rule of law, freedom of judiciary and press and human rights, but in unstable democracy these may be weak and can lead to slow economic growth. The decision making process can be much slower that hampers the development of nation. In fragile and unstable democracy political leaders may be corrupt and mean.

A strong and stable dictatorship can prove to be better than a weak democracy. If the dictator is efficient and works for the advancement of the nation he can make quick decisions and enforce discipline for the progress of the nation, essay on dictatorship. In country like India where people are ignorant and not educated enough essay on dictatorship make correct judgment the government formed can be corrupt.

Strong democracy is important for the development of people and society. Democracy is better compared to dictatorship as it allows people the right to express and voice their opinion. In dictatorship there is no freedom of thoughts and expression and people are subjected to ideas and beliefs of a single ruler. Democracy is the government by the people so it is less endangered to revolution as the government is chosen by the people and they can change their leaders by electing other leaders.

There is no freedom of expression in dictatorship which can lead to unhappy people and violent revolutions. However, whether it is democracy or dictatorship, there is no guarantee of a good conduct from any political leader. We are witness to political leaders who are corrupt or often misuse their power to lead their own party.

In the end character, moral standards, integrity and ethical approach of the political leaders is what leads to strong government. A good dictator is better than a bunch of corrupt, petty and selfish leaders coming to rule in Democracy, essay on dictatorship.

On the other hand, a strong democracy with political leaders that work for social reform and advancement of the society and nation can be better than a ruthless and corrupt dictator. Democracy is a type of government in which eligible citizens have the right to elect representative to form a government body, essay on dictatorship.

It involves citizens directly by giving them voice in legislation, essay on dictatorship. Dictatorship on the other hand is the form of government where all the power is placed in the hands of one person that is the dictator.

Democracy and dictatorship have emerged as the two major forms of government across the world since the beginning of 19 th and 20 th centuries. Democracy is the government elected by majority of the people.

It is important in democratic system that the citizens of the country participate and are aware of the social issues and their right to vote. There should be a sense of responsibility in people. The elections should be monitored impartially to ensure system integrity.

Some characteristics of democracy are legal equality, rule of law and political freedom. Democracy runs with the principle of majority rule. Under democracy all eligible citizens have equal access essay on dictatorship legislative processes and are equal before law. Vote by every eligible citizen is valuable and has equal weight. The rights and liberties of the citizens are protected by the constitution.

Democracy protects human rights by co-operation and coordination. It offers diversity to represent all the communities.

Equality lies at the heart of democracy. In dictatorship the absolute power is with the dictator. Dictator is the political leader who holds extraordinary power and exercises his power for self interest. In dictatorship, the ruler is the one who acts for the whole Nation.

Dictatorship is characterized by some chief features such as civil liberties, suspension of elections, rule by decree, proclamation of state of emergency and repression of political opponents without acting in accord to the rule of law. The most common feature attributed to dictators is to take advantage of their position, usually by restraining the freedom of speech of the people citizens. It is done in order to maintain social and political supremacy. People have no right to voice their thoughts on the way they are essay on dictatorship. There are no elections held and people have no right to choose their leaders.

In dictatorship, the law making body is a single person that is the dictator. So, the law enforcement may become brutal at times. In such type of government, essay on dictatorship, there is little regard for the rights of people.

In democratic form of government people enjoy great deal of liberty. The power is with masses. They can choose the government and they can change the government.

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Long and Short Essay on Democracy vs. Dictatorship in English for Children and Students

essay on dictatorship

Paper Type: Definition essays Dictatorship as a form of government is not brand-new. It was an identified institution in the republican Rome where normally the authority of federal government was vested in two presidents called Consuls Dictatorship 2 Pages Society desires the ability to make their own decisions. Whether that be through free will, or the freedom to make choices based on previous experiences without restriction, the idea of self-control over the events that occur is valuable. However, both Psycho and The dictionary definition of dictatorship is a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator. A dictator is a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession

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