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Forrest gump essay

Forrest gump essay

forrest gump essay

Forest Gump Essay Why do I think Forest Gump was such a successful movie? Three main reasons, first of which is humor. It is a type of humor that makes you feel naughty for laughing at it, as Forest is not trying to be funny Aug 08,  · Essays Related To Analysis of Forrest Gump. Life Lessons in the Movie Forrest Gump The Movie Forrest Gump, a Comedy-drama and romance movie directed by Robert Zemeckis, and Screen play Eric Roth in The main actor in the film is Tom Hanks as (Forrest Gump) and other actors such as Robin Wright (Jenny), Mykelti Williamson (Benjamin Buford /5(37) Forrest Gump Essay Words | 4 Pages Forrest Gump is a drama film, which was directed by Robert Zemeckis and was released July It's about a man named Forrest Gump, who faced many challenges in his life

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Forrest Gump is one of my favorite movie of all times. It stars Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, forrest gump essay, very innocent minded man going through many difficult situations and overcoming them.

It is just a remarkable story of a young man going through his amazing life, forrest gump essay. com says that it is one of the movies you must see before you die and I must agree! It has won six Academy Awards which includes best picture. The cinematography and mise en scene play major roles in grasping the viewer, making the main character feel relatable and helped the viewers understand the time and place Forrest is in. The first shot the cinematographer uses, which is my favorite scene, is the long shots used when following the feather in the open scenes of the movie.

The feather flows from way up high in the sky to and lands on the bench Forrest sits on. An example of very long shots in the film are when Forrest is running all throughout the movie and also during the war scenes.

I thought anamorphic lens worked so well, forrest gump essay, compositionally. With the character of Forrest Gump, I short-sighted him a lot to put him out of context, so he always felt odd with things around forrest gump essay. The anamorphic format has a tendency to short-sight better anyway, forrest gump essay, and we used really wide lenses focused on him; I think it creates that feeling of his relationship to everything else.

It also helps the viewer understand the time and place in which the story takes place and how the character relates to that period of time. From the beginning of the film, at the center of attention is the bench.

The placement of the bench lets us know that it is at a bus stop as opposed to a park because a bus stops in front of it, people walk behind and in front of the bench, and also the bus stop sign placed near it.

Mise en scene can also be symbolic. There are many examples throughout the film but my favorite is the forrest gump essay Marilyn Monroe picture behind the picture of the Kennedy Brothers at the Watergate Hotel.

Its a bit scandalous and fun since Marilyn was rumored to having affairs with both brother and it also brings out a little bit of history, which I love. There are so many more examples of mise en scene but that would turn this journal into a ten page paper.

Forrest Gump has won an Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Director, Best Writing, Best Film Editing and Best Editing and nominated for six more Oscars, Best Cinematography among them.

I believe that all the elements that go into making a film made this movie great but the cinematography and use of mise en scene really made it outstanding.

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Forrest Gump Essay - Academicscope

forrest gump essay

Aug 08,  · Essays Related To Analysis of Forrest Gump. Life Lessons in the Movie Forrest Gump The Movie Forrest Gump, a Comedy-drama and romance movie directed by Robert Zemeckis, and Screen play Eric Roth in The main actor in the film is Tom Hanks as (Forrest Gump) and other actors such as Robin Wright (Jenny), Mykelti Williamson (Benjamin Buford /5(37) There is hardly anyone who can boast such achievements within one life, and the only wisdom Forrest follows is very simple: “You have to do the best with what God gave you (Memorable Quotes for Forrest Gump). Thus, the conflict of expectations from a challenged person and the reality of his life is put to the foreground of the movie Forrest Gump Essay Words | 4 Pages Forrest Gump is a drama film, which was directed by Robert Zemeckis and was released July It's about a man named Forrest Gump, who faced many challenges in his life

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