Various research papers have looked at many different concepts of multiculturalism. Joyce Mosely argues that multiculturalism is the mixing and sharing of cultural groups who value their diversity, and is a natural way of life that is all encompassing (4). Likewise Sharyn Pearce discusses multiculturalism as not just the co-existence of · Multiculturalism essay. Multiculturalism proves to be an inseparable part of today’s society. There can be given both positive and negative arguments in relation to multiculturalism. Nowadays, every country without an exception can be considered multicultural refers to the integration and acceptance of several differentcultural traditions and practices. is as a resultimmigration of people from different geographical locations andsettling down into the new blogger.comted Reading Time: 14 mins
Essay On Multiculturalism
refers to the integration and acceptance of several differentcultural traditions and practices, multiculturalism essay. is as a resultimmigration of people from different geographical locations andsettling down into the new locale, multiculturalism essay. For example, multiculturalism essay, in Yale University inthe United States of America, students come from different parts ofthe world all coming to seek good and quality education.
This has ledto cultural diversity being promoted in the university whereby aspecific group of people from a certain community is addressedaccording to the community they hail from. in Australia developed in when thethen president Mr. Gough Whitlam took into adherence of the policieswhich called for tolerance and engagement into the general countrydevelopment.
Atone time, multiculturalism in Australia was understood to be the needof the majority of the population to accept that many members oftheir community hail from different cultures and still acknowledgetheir cultures and are yet to let go of them, multiculturalism essay.
This brought the needfor people to express their different cultural identity and thus itwas noted that through this many distinct cultures could multiculturalism essay. Australiahas many ethnic and cultural diverse people who carry with themdifferent traditions, food, skills, multiculturalism essay, religion, language and dressing,the integration has led to exchange of ideologies forming part of amajor intercultural community which embraces individual cultures Hughes, However,multiculturalism has brought about critics from scholars likeLachlan Chipman, Multiculturalism essay Sestito multiculturalism essay Frank Knopfelmacher who wereconcerned about its social impacts and political impacts.
Philosophers Chipman Chipman, and Knopfelmacher Knopfelmacher, multiculturalism essay, generated social impacts that a huge number ofimmigrants to Australia were unskilled and illiterate which wouldrequire the government to come in and help them so that they canachieve the economical goal of full employment. Itwas also argued that multiculturalism was being used as a tool offavoring the ethnic minorities which were the small percentage of thepopulation at the expense of the majority that is, the British whoform the largest group of immigrants into Australia.
Multiculturalism essay of theimplemented policies created division among the multiculturalism essay groups andsuch divisions multiculturalism essay known to be a threat to national cohesion, multiculturalism essay.
This is whatis referred to as ethnically homogenous nation. A homogenous nationis known to be development conscious, production oriented and anadvocate to equity to all its citizens.
When all this factors arebrought together: economic growth, fewer criminal cases, multiculturalism essay, more foreignaid to the needy nations and proper care to the disadvantaged in thesociety will be noted. Although this is yet to be fully witnessed butit is believed that measures have been put in place to see that allethnic communities get equal treatment and also that equalopportunities are presented to each and every Australian and notbased on their origin Hughes, For many years, many host countries are known totreat the immigrants as refugees and even for students going topursue their advanced education levels in other countries are givenstudents visas which are enough evidence of their temporary stay inthe new country Kelly, multiculturalism essay, Immigrants would not get equaltreatment as the citizens of that country and thus brought about theurge for multiculturalism which treats each person with equity andall get state provided services like vaccinations, education andrelief where required.
Also through multiculturalism, there has beenan increase in interactions between all parties which is a positiveresult. Multiculturalism essay has been greatly identified with theincrease in population since the immigrants come in number and theyrepopulate to form a community. Like for instance, Australia wasalmost empty but due to the immigrants into the nation and settlingin there, multiculturalism essay, it has become a world renown multicultural nation whosepeople who were once from a different geographical area but havehelped in its economic growth and also made it a nation which peoplecan tour and explore due its multicultural people which form theessence of people wanting to have a taste of all that magicalintegration between the communities and also how they work togetherwithout conflicting either in ideologies or doctrines Multiculturalism essay, Increasein trade: When people come together into one place the need for newinnovations which will comfortably be accepted by each of the ethniccommunity arises, multiculturalism essay.
Because many are the times when people from thedifferent ethnic communities of the world are represented in such asetup, the new innovation will also be accepted by entirely the wholeworld as their own.
The resulting outcome is the increase in tradingactivities which bring in foreign exchange to the nation Stephenson, The revenue collected is meant to help in infrastructuraldevelopments, multiculturalism essay, improved communication and also the competitive abilityof it to other nations, multiculturalism essay. Increase in trade also allows for foreigninvestments into the country making it a productive country and alsoone that can offer aids to other disadvantaged nations.
Tourism:Where there are two or more cultures together interacting with eachother peacefully and also working together to achieve similar goals,tourism is said to exist, multiculturalism essay.
Tourism exists because culture isinteresting and each culture has its own uniqueness, multiculturalism essay. Uniqueness infood, dressing, multiculturalism essay, languages, skills and traditions attracts people tosample it Kelly, Also multicultural nations are deemed to be hospitable toothers because they host many people from diversewalks of life without any conflicts arising.
This factor allows forstability and general growth and acceptance amongst each other eitheras a native of that country or as an immigrant. Alliances amongcountries ensure that they both benefit and also that none of the twoshall suffer because aid will be offered unto them from the ablenation Hughes, These alliances have become the root of growthand development especially for the disadvantaged home countries ofthe immigrants. Alliances also help the disadvantaged country gain access intomarkets where they could not join when solo.
Education: encourages the need for education in order for oneto be able to integrate in one common language hence ease incommunication and also understanding of each other, multiculturalism essay. For example, inall multicultural countries regardless of how many languages areavailable, there is one particular language used by multiculturalism essay incommunication and in trading activities.
Like an example isAustralia, regardless of the many cultural groups from China,Africa, multiculturalism essay, India, America and Europe, they all speak English which isacceptable among all of them Theophanous, This has alsobrought the zeal multiculturalism essay compete among each other both in innovationsand inscholarly works.
At first this was viewed as a disadvantage becauseit meant the natives look like less productive but with time it wasestablished to actually make the natives proud as the country wasbeing competitive even to the outside world, multiculturalism essay. This is evident mostlywhen students from other parts of the world want to come and study inthat country because it means that multiculturalism essay offer quality and advancededucation.
Culturalpractices exchange: As we have earlier discussed that each communityhas its own uniqueness, this unique attribute leads to the imitationor wanted use of some Kelly, For example, due to the hugepopulation of Thais in Australia, Thai food is appreciated among manyof the population regardless of whether they are Thai or not. Australians also celebrate national festivities annually like Thaifood festival held at the Thai temple.
Games and dances also come upfrom their cohesion leading to emergence of a practice unique to allof them. Cultural exchange also means that there is acceptance of each otherand that no culture is better than the other.
Thenotion of multiculturalism essay can thus be deemed relevant as discussedabove mainly due to economic growth and also developments broughtinto the country multiculturalism essay arguments against its relevance into the societyhave emerged Blainey, These are critics from scholars andalso from politicians and they revolve around the issue of acceptanceof foreigners as one of them, multiculturalism essay.
This is a key challenge because itmeans that the immigrants have to be made feel multiculturalism essay at theexpense of the native. XenophobiaThis is a situation whereby the natives become hostile towardsimmigrants of their country leading to their death Anne- Marie, It arises due to a series of events for example whereby thenatives feel multiculturalism essay the immigrants are being given special favors andthat most of the resources are given to them, multiculturalism essay.
This can also emerge asa result of the immigrants being given jobs while the most of thenatives are jobless. This frustration by the native to that countrymakes them want to forcefully evict them from their country. As muchas this will ruin the reputation of the nation and also make itunfriendly for visitors but they tend to prefer it that way becauseall favors and job opportunities will be theirs.
This is a problemthat is brought about multiculturalism and thus its irrelevance inthe society. Xenophobic countries prefer and really advocate for assimilation sothat they can be treated as one of them and not as a differentseparate community. Increasedexpenditure: The country is subjected to more expenses brought as aresult of hosting the immigrants, multiculturalism essay.
The formulation of new policies toenable their comfortable stay in the country comes as an addedexpense together with the cost of hosting them. Some of the capital multiculturalism essay also beretained as an emergency kitty in the event of a national catastropheinstead of asking for international help every time a disaster occurs Benhabib, Being a host nation also requires them to meet allthe human rights set aside by the global agencies, instead of theirarrival being a national advantage but it is deemed to be a burden.
Emergenceof socially unacceptable practices: every country has some practiceswhich are unacceptable. For example, multiculturalism essay, homosexuality to many is viewedas a disgrace to the society.
Other cultures accept it while othersstrongly advocate against it, multiculturalism essay. These differences in thoughts bring toraise different lobby groups fighting against each multiculturalism essay which createtension Stephenson, multiculturalism essay, The tension is itself dangerous because it might become a war and aswe know, war only deteriorate the nations stability and also itseconomy which has a great effect to the citizens as their will beinflation making the cost of living to be very expensive and out ofreach to a huge part of the population, multiculturalism essay.
Politicalrivalry: This multiculturalism essay been the major cause of world wars whereby thestruggle for power comes with divisions in ethnicity. Each culturalgroup wants to support their own person and ethnicity arises Kevin, The majority population tends to win and this make the ethnicminorities feel like they have no chance multiculturalism essay lead making them feelinferior and the fight to feel superior is translated into a warwhich is only out of greed for power and not to help in solving thecurrent situations that need to be addressed too.
Economicalstagnancy: Before the immigrants become fully settled and can sustainthemselves without aid, multiculturalism essay, a lot of resources shall be used and beforethey are fully recovered it will mean that there are no economicdevelopments which are a key challenge because this affects the wholepopulation and not a specific group.
The whole situation is what thecritics are terming as economic burden. Economists also agree withthese because it has been evidenced in each and every multiculturalnation before fully recovering themselves from the self-inflictedproblem. Usingboth arguments as to its relevance and to its irrelevance in thesociety, the notion forms a strong controversial argument. Theimpacts are both positive and negative meaning that for a country toembrace multiculturalism it is willing to take all the risksassociated with the move Levey, Taking upon multiculturalism is something that should be embraced inthe society because it brings about love, peace and harmony amongstall the races.
Otherarguments have been to whether multiculturalism is better thanassimilation into the country without having a basis of differentcultures but differences arise too because assimilation is presumedto make other cultures disappear and only one culture to exist. Assimilation is the forcing of a person to let go of their cultureand practices and embrace the stipulated one, multiculturalism essay.
Cultureclash: an international legal perspective on ethnic discrimination. Ashgate publishing. Theclaims of culture: Equality and diversity in the multiculturalism essay era. Princeton, Princeton University Press. reconsidered: culture equality and its critics, multiculturalism essay. Oxford,Oxford University Press. Dunn et al. Journalof Australian Indigenous Issues. Theorigin of multiculturalism in Australian politics Melbourne University Press.
as nation building in Australia: Inclusive national identity and theembrace of diversity. Ethnic and Racial Studies. University of Melbourne. The centre for independent studies, multiculturalism essay, Sydney. Journalof Intercultural Studies. Melbourne: Routledge. Theophanous,Andrew C. Elikia Books, Victoria.
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refers to the integration and acceptance of several differentcultural traditions and practices. is as a resultimmigration of people from different geographical locations andsettling down into the new blogger.comted Reading Time: 14 mins · Multiculturalism essay. Multiculturalism proves to be an inseparable part of today’s society. There can be given both positive and negative arguments in relation to multiculturalism. Nowadays, every country without an exception can be considered multicultural Multiculturalism essay is a very interesting topic to write about. When writing essays on multiculturalism, it is necessary to consider quite a lot of different factors. To start with, let’s find out, what multiculturalism really is. It is a social phenomenon, according to which, a number of ethnic groups are living in a certain area or country. Nowadays, modern policy in many countries has become quite
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